International day of the seafarer

Crew of the Ningbo Express, Photo: Rainer Berger

International day of the seafarer

27 Jun 2022 | Headlines, News, Shipping | 0 Kommentare

Last weekend was "Sailors' Day".

As always, there were thousands of ships on the world's oceans. On board were the goods we need for our daily lives. Rather, what we consider necessary. From food and fruit ripening in refrigerated containers on their way to Germany to luxury items. Modern merchant shipping is increasingly using container ships with capacities of more than 10,000 containers per ship. Depending on the feminine or masculine point of view, a 40-foot container can hold around 12,000 shoe boxes or about 650 barrels of beer.

Compared to military shipping, the crew of 22 seamen is small and international. Apart from the captain, the chief mate and the chief engineer, there are hardly any German seafarers on board with large German shipping companies. Nickname of the three: the ice saints. Germany has a reputation for excellently trained nautical officers, which is why insurance companies demand that German patentees command the ships.

The days of seafaring romance with long layovers, sightseeing and adventurous experiences far from home are long gone. Instead, time pressure with harbour stays of just a few hours. Long absences of six to nine months for seafarers, depending on the contract. Time is money. The individual port calls are meticulously timed. There is little free time. The effects of delays became clear in 2021. The container ship EVER GIVEN delayed access to the Mediterranean due to the accident in the Suez Canal. The effects were felt even in the German domestic market.

Every year on 25 June, the International Maritime Organisation, IMO, draws attention to the concerns of seafarers and their hard and depriving work worldwide. This year, the empowerment of women in the maritime community is at the centre of the anniversary. In some seafarers' missions in Germany, the "Day of the seafarer" is an occasion to draw attention to the hardships faced by seafarers with events.

marineforum wishes all seafarers at sea worldwide a happy return home, not only on "Day of the seafarer".

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