German frigate Baden-Württemberg in front of the Statue of Liberty. Photo: German Navy/Theska

German frigate Baden-Württemberg in front of the Statue of Liberty. Photo: German Navy/Theska

IPD: Through the Panama ...

The German Navy's Indo-Pacific unit, led by Flotilla Admiral Axel Schulz, has already had two "wonderful port calls", as the unit commander called them, after crossing the Atlantic. From 17 - 20 May, the frigate "Baden-Württemberg" and the task force provider "Frankfurt am Main" were in Halifax/Canada, and from 23 - 26 May in New York. There they were part of "Fleet Week", which is traditionally celebrated every year by the US Navy, the US Marine Corps and the US Coast Guard. During Fleet Week, large naval vessels dock at the New York Passenger Ship Terminal on the Hudson River on the west side of Manhattan.

Frigate "Baden-Württemberg" arriving in New York. Photo: German Navy/Theska

Frigate "Baden-Württemberg" arriving in New York. Photo: German Navy/Theska

The first Fleet Week took place in 1935. President Roosevelt wanted to set an example and responded to the global conflict by increasing the size of the American navy. However, Fleet Week in New York has only existed since 1982.

The two German warships were moored at Pier 90 on New York's Hudson River. Even the US television station CBS reported live with perfect pictures of all the participating ships from its own helicopter.

Supplies at sea: the frigate takes fuel from the EGV. Photo. German Navy/Theska

Supplies at sea: the frigate takes fuel from the EGV. Photo. German Navy/Theska

The convoy has now been travelling for three weeks. At the turn of the month, the two German Navy ships will enter the Pacific through the Panama Canal. "Then we will have finally arrived in the Indo-Pacific Deployment," the unit commander announced, and expressed his pride in the operational programme to date and the highly motivated crews. "The Indo-Pacific region is particularly concerned with freedom of navigation, freedom of shipping and freedom of trade routes," said Minister Pistorius on the background to the Indo-Pacific deployment. "We want to contribute to compliance with international law and expand our relations with our partners in the region," said the Defence Minister. "Looking the other way, showing no presence in the Pacific and not standing up for the rules-based order is not and will not be an option for Germany."

Flotilla Admiral Schulz, head of the IPD organisation. Photo: German Navy/Theska

During the German Indo-Pacific Deployment 2024, partner nations from the Indo-Pacific region will also send naval units to Europe. "When the German unit is in Tokyo, a Japanese training and education unit will be in Hamburg at almost the same time," announced Vice Admiral Kaack on the occasion of the departure of the German ships. "We are in agreement with the Japanese navy: what happens politically in the Indo-Pacific can also happen to us in our neighbourhoods," said the navy inspector.

So it is not a trip abroad, but an "operation". It is not just about foreign visits and diplomacy, but about presence and demonstrating interests. Incidentally, 200 officer candidates from the German Navy are also embarked on the two units in stages.

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