Kiel Week 2022 Gorch Fock is back!

Kiel Week 2022 Gorch Fock is back!

Kiel Week 2022

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Kiel naval base: already well attended the day before. In the foreground: preparations for the cutter regatta

Kiel naval base: already well attended the day before. In the foreground: preparations for the cutter regatta

When the Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, Daniel Günter, opened the ship's bell with the traditional toasting at just after half past seven in the evening, not only the citizens of Kiel but also thousands of visitors were clearly delighted to finally be able to celebrate on a larger scale again.

The small "Corona Kiel Weeks" had not satisfied the need to finally be able to celebrate properly again with sailing, concerts, music and meetings on land and at sea. The party mood could already be felt in the morning and a number of curious people had already gathered in front of the gates of the Kiel naval base on Thursday and asked "when it was finally going to start".

Visitors had already been out and about in the city the days before. "People are hungry and happy to be able to hug other people again," said Kiel Week boss Phillip Dornberger. The sailing competitions were then opened at midday.

A total of around 4,000 participants are registered. The competitions were opened on Saturday by Kiel's city president Hans-Werner Tovar (SPD) and Lord Mayor Ulf Kämpfer (SPD). For the first time in years, the "Gorch Fock", the highlight for sailing fans from all over the world, will also be taking part in the Windjammer Parade. There will be almost one hundred events until 26 June, with ships from all over the world, both civilian and military, to marvel at. Some of the naval vessels have been in Kiel since Thursday, including the "Mount Whitney" and the US Navy supply ship "Gunston Hall".

The really big programme as in previous years cannot be offered at this Kieler Woche because, for example, nations such as Poland and Denmark are not represented. Ship spotters are also disappointed because the "USS Kearsarge", a gigantic amphibious assault ship, will not be arriving in the Bay of Kiel this year as expected. The CNO, Admiral Michael Gilday, explained the reason at the press conference: they have other orders and are still in the region. Nevertheless, the fjord was visited by four Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft from Kearsarge, which refuelled in Holtenau. Of course, the lack of guests or fewer ships than usual is also due to the pandemic: the plans were often simply different. Critical voices in the background about logistical problems will be discussed before the next Kieler Woche. The war in Ukraine and Russian manoeuvres in the Baltic Sea also cast a long shadow.

But if you want to be there, you can get to the Wik by public transport. There are no car parks. Here is the mfo service:

You can find out more about Kiel Week and the programme at or

Photos: hsc


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