MAN Energy Solutions and Fairbanks Morse have been jointly awarded a contract by the US Department of Defence. The contract, worth a maximum of 170 million dollars, covers the maintenance of diesel engines on board Military Sealift Command (MSC) ships. During the five-year term, spare parts and services will be provided worldwide. The MSC fleet includes submarine tenders, hospital ships, ammunition transporters, tankers, expeditionary mobile bases, expeditionary transfer docks, ro-ro ships and ro-ro container ships.
The Military Sealift Command is part of the US Navy and controls its supply and transport ships. Not all MSC units belong to the Navy itself. The core fleet can be recognised by the grey paint on the hull and superstructure and the blue and gold stripes on the funnel. They have a hull number and bear the abbreviation USNS (United States Naval Ship) in front of the ship's name. There are also civilian ships under long-term charter that continue to sail the seas in their usual livery and do not have a hull number. Visually, they differ from "ordinary" merchant ships only by the blue and gold stripes on the funnel. Their crews are largely made up of civilians.

USNS John Glenn
Text: mb; Photos: US Navy
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