This concerns us all! Appeal to support the German Naval Association
The Laboe Naval Memorial is getting on in years and a thorough refurbishment is essential, also for safety reasons. A total of €4.6 million needs to be raised to carry out the necessary work. The federal government will provide €2.25 million, the state of Schleswig-Holstein will contribute €460,000 and the German Naval Association itself will provide €800,000. There remains a delta of currently approx. 1.2 million euros!
The German Naval Association has reached its financial limits as the owner and the resulting financial obligations. The loss of income from tours and donations from visitors since the start of the coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated the situation, especially as routine maintenance and care work must continue and be financed. Let us all feel addressed!
As active and former members of the navy, we are aware of the importance of the memorial as a "memorial to those of all nations who remained at sea and a memorial to peaceful seafaring on open seas". Not least because of the addition "In honouring memory of the members of the German Navy who have lost their lives in the line of duty since 1955."

Cracks in the concrete of the Labo memorial
It is the duty of all of us to preserve the memorial! Let us help the German Naval Association! Every donation, big or small, is welcome.
Bank details
Account holder: Deutscher Marinebund
as trustee of the Eduard Theis Foundation for the preservation of the naval memorial and U 995 (DMB_Theis Foundation)
Bank: Kieler Volksbank
IBAN: DE68 2109 0007 0056 77 66 40
Paypal: [email protected]
The donation is tax-deductible. The bank statement is valid as a donation receipt for amounts up to 300 euros. A donation receipt will be sent for amounts over 300 euros.
Important note!
Unfortunately, for data protection reasons, the German Marine Federation only receives the names of the donors from Volksbank Kiel, but not their addresses. This means that supporters who donate more than 300 euros cannot automatically be sent a donation receipt as planned.
The German Naval Association therefore asks all those who have paid in more than 300 euros for the restoration of the naval memorial and would like a donation receipt to contact the DMB's federal office. This can be done by e-mail: [email protected]by post: DMB, Strandstraße 92, 24235 Laboe or by fax 04343 494849-67.

Frost damage to the outer wall of the Labo memorial
I am from Austria and my father was in the navy on U-596 and I come to the memorial for the 9th time and it is always goose bumps to go into the memorial, among other acquaintances and relatives who also went to sea I am glad that there is something like this and maybe I am also connected to my father when I am in Hamburg to go there.
The honour and gratitude towards the soldiers who lost their lives for our country is unforgettable and must be preserved in this form. Btsm.a.D. We donate.
Even as a lowland Tyrolean (Rhine-Main area) and non-naval member, I donate. You can recognise the quality of a nation by how it treats its dead, who have given their lives for the nation.
Please set up Paypal, otherwise it won't work.
People are suffering and some weird sailor's club is collecting money for an unnatural tower that spoils the environment, how stupid is that? Jörg from the heath
Stupidest comment of the century.
Very qualitative post.... nobody is forced to do this.
"Joerg aus der Heide" does not know the principle of honour, which is not surprising for a Green. For the record, Joerg: It's a memorial in memory of fallen and missing marines. Joerg - just be quiet.
But blaming a stupid comment on a party affiliation doesn't show mental maturity either. I say that as a former marine with just the right amount of honour.
I don't find the conclusion with the Greens all that surprising. Show me a Green who dares to respect the soldiers who died for Germany as they deserve. I certainly don't know any.
You're daft. Thanks for nothing. How can you be so limited :/
"You can recognise the character of a people by how they deal with their dead"
A little more respect for the peace of the dead. It's sad how some people think!
Whether VDM, Küngü, Jörg auf der Heide or whoever - please, we are a serious forum. Respect and camaraderie are a matter of course here. If you want to argue and insult each other unobjectively, do it amongst yourselves. The malicious comments that I have just rejected fall well below the standard. Anyone commenting here should have something to contribute that benefits the interested community. For example, other witty opinions, new arguments, specialist knowledge, positive thinking and humour, but vulgarity is not tolerated here. This is a discussion forum for active, affiliated and former naval personnel of all ranks, sailors and coastal professionals, bad style reflects on us all. AR
Thank you to those who want to donate and support the MEM.
Shame on you Jörg from de
r Heath
The Greens are simply dishonourable and don't know any better, see Habeck's comment about the fatherland! Just leave the country and stop being on our backs Jörg!
Already done! Didn't hurt at all and can also be done from East Westphalia!
In 2018, as part of the Kiel Week, I sailed on the Sedov as a so-called trainee through the Foerde into the Baltic Sea, then Skagarak, WHV.
Laboe as a sublime sight worth preserving.
I as a navy soldier and know the history behind it, quite the opposite to those who write such unnecessary posts and disrespect, we donate and are of course there to honour the Laboe Memorial and the unique monument to all fallen comrades who went to sea.
Front to starboard/port ....
Whenever we pass by, whether travelling to Kiel or leaving Kiel.
It is a special honour for me!
As a former SaZ12 soldier, it is an honour for me to support this piece of history.
To the hateful commentators . If you don't like the fact that a part of German naval history is being preserved and is enjoyed by thousands of people every year then get out of here . Nobody is forced, everything is voluntary
Good evening. Is it possible to transfer the donation via pay pal? Greetings Peter Müller SU d R
Could perhaps a Paypal account be set up?
I think that would be great too.