OSI receives order to equip the German Navy's K-130 corvettes with integrated navigation systems
OSI Maritime Systems (OSI) has announced that it has been selected by ARCHE Systeme GmbH (ARCHE) to supply an Integrated Navigation System (INS) for the German Navy's K-130 Batch I corvette programme, operated by ECPINS. The contract includes the INS for the corvettes and the shore-based test and training facilities (shore facilities). ECPINS is at the heart of OSI's IMO type approved Integrated Navigation System MSC 252(83) and, like the F-126 programme, will be fully compliant with NATO WECDIS STANAG 4564 Edition 3. It is the leading WECDIS of NATO and the allied navies and represents over 35 years of continuous development. Upgrade features include new navigation radars, WECDIS, navigation workstations and interfaces to existing sensors.
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