Russian Kilo-class submarine, photo: Michael Nitz

Russisches U-Boot der Kilo-Klasse, Foto: Michael Nitz

Just one ping: WTD 71 revolutionises sonar performance analysis

20 Mar 2025 | Headlines, Magazine, Technology

Submarine hunting is a highly complex business. To stay at the cutting edge of technology, WTD 71 is developing a demonstrator for modern sonar performance analysis.

Sonar performance analysis is an important tool in submarine hunting and in determining the treachery range of own submarines against a possible enemy detection. It predicts how reliably and up to what distance a potential underwater target can be detected by an active or passive sonar system.

In the case of an active sonar system, a sonar ping is emitted at a certain source level. It travels through the water and loses intensity due to various propagation effects, resulting in a loss of propagation. After reflection at the target, described by

20 Mar 2025

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