Flotilla Admiral Abry is commander of the MSM

Flotilla Admiral Abry is commander of the MSM

Practical relevance is the key to success

"Train - Educate - Shape" and "Serving and Leading in Democracy" are proven training principles at the Mürwik Naval Academy. Training and education at the Naval Academy has always been aimed at preparing the next generation of naval leaders for the demanding tasks as military superiors. In line with the aforementioned principles, it is important to shape the maritime character of our junior officers in the troop service and the specialised military service, to bind them to our navy and simply to inspire them for the profession of naval officer. We must colour their hearts deep blue. The Mürwik Naval Academy is committed to the timeless requirement that the mindset of every naval officer must be moulded by the sea. This approach must be complemented by a further aspect: the inspector's claim to place the Navy's ability to fight at the centre of our thinking. The entire Officer training must be measured in all phases of training by how a comprehensive tactical understanding of maritime operations can be consistently developed.

"Train - educate - mould" is successful when the next generation of officers experience the job description of a naval officer in practice. This is especially true for Generation Z, which has arrived in Mürwik. A generation that, contrary to some preconceptions, is looking for the challenge of being an officer. Making your mark in the navy means experiencing seafaring on board units of the fleet! The key to Success the Officer training has always focussed on training at sea - practical onboard training - for good reason. Nothing has changed in this realisation in recent decades. In times of the "smallest fleet", it is an enormous challenge for everyone involved to realise the required training days at sea for our junior officers. This negative trend must be countered with innovative ideas, drive and determination. It is also in this context that the MSM's persistent demand to procure training boats analogue to our international partner academies should be placed. In addition to their particular suitability for military superior training, training boats should develop the practical seamanship - the seamanship skills - of our prospective officers of the watch. And for the sake of completeness, it should be mentioned that the Gorch Fock is and remains our reliable and indispensable training tool. The Gorch Fock is both a sail training ship and a training ship of the German Navy. The unique synergy of sound nautical and basic maritime-military training can only be realised on our sail training ship. Many partner navies in NATO and the EU envy us for this unique capability. Irrespective of this, the fleet remains the best place to mould the identity of a young naval officer. In the fleet, our officer cadets should familiarise themselves with the everyday life of the troops and build up their direct ties to the flotillas and naval aviators.

Training to become a naval officer must include the ethical dimension of the military profession in addition to all specialised military fields of activity. It is about the military self-image of the naval officer in the 21st century. "Training - educating - moulding" is therefore only conceivable in an inner connection with the training principle of "serving and leading in democracy". The teaching of the Bundeswehr's understanding of tradition, the teaching of the principles of defence law and the self-image of the military in democracy derived from this fit into this mission. Innere Führung is therefore a strategic educational objective of the Mürwik Naval Academy.

Flotilla Admiral Wilhelm Tobias Abry is commander of the Mürwik Naval Academy.

Photo: Bw/Björn Wilke

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