Vice Admiral Frank Lenski in an interview on "Nachgefragt" Youtube Bundeswehr. Photo: Bundeswehr/Tom Twardy

Vice Admiral Frank Lenski in an interview on "Nachgefragt" Youtube Bundeswehr. Photo: Bundeswehr/Tom Twardy

Navy in brief - the naval commander on YouTube about the war in Ukraine

In a YouTube contribution (19th episode of "Nachgefragt"), the Commander of the fleet and support staff and Deputy Inspector of the Navy, Vice Admiral Frank Lenski, gave an interview on the topic on the Bundeswehr Channel: The naval forces and the war in Ukraine.

Admiral Lenski explains the maritime aspects of the Ukraine war in his matter-of-fact and unagitated manner - from the strategic significance of the harbour cities of Mariupol and Odessa, to Snake Island in the Black Sea, to the Baltic Sea and the Atlantic theatre of operations and beyond for the German Navy. Clear, concise - and understandable for everyone!



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