UFOs over America?

UFOs over America? (Picture: US Navy)

USA: UFOs over America?

They are still an issue decades later, especially when it comes to disturbing news with a coronavirus background: the flying saucers in America. Since the beginning of the year, various information about sightings of unexplained phenomena has appeared, sometimes more speculative, sometimes less serious (UFOs) by the jet pilots of the US Navy and Marines, primarily in the area of the US East Coast. At the end of April, the Pentagon gave in to media pressure and published three video sequences of such phenomena, recorded from cockpits. But don't expect too much if you look around on YouTube or at the Pentagon now, because the released video sequences are not necessarily dewy-eyed (2007, 2015). In any case, the well-known curiosity about extraterrestrials, but also fears of possibly as yet unrecognised disruptive technological developments on the part of the terrestrial enemy, led the Navy to form a "management-relevant" working group. Their task was to deal with the topic rationally and formulate credible answers. As there have been committees in the USA dedicated exclusively to this topic for decades, doubters suspect that this is a deceptive manoeuvre to conceal America's own "alternative" developments. Those who honour alternative facts need not worry about conspiracy theories!


14 Dec 2020

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