Minenjagdboot Bad Bevensen einlaufend aus einem vorherigen NATO-Einsatz. Foto: Björn Wilke

Minehunting boat Bad Bevensen arriving from a previous NATO mission. Photo: Björn Wilke

Changing of the guard: Minehunting boat "Bad Bevensen" replaces "Homburg"

19 Oct 2021 | Headlines, News, Shipping | 1 comment

On Thursday, 21 October 2021, the minehunting boat "Bad Bevensen" will leave its home port of Kiel at 10 am. The boat will be part of NATO's Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG 1) for the coming months. She replaces the "Homburg", which had already left Kiel on 14 July. Under the command of Corvette Captain Christopher Fenske (37), the 42-strong crew will set sail for Cuxhaven to join the NATO organisation there.

The first part of the approximately six-month mission will take the "Bad Bevensen" to the Baltic Sea. After a break at the turn of the year, the boat from Kiel will then make its way to the Belgian coast. There, the first international manoeuvres and exercises will begin at the beginning of February. The "Bad Bevensen" will then also take part in so-called HOD operations in the German Bight. HOD stands for Historic Ordnance Disposal, which is regularly carried out in the North Sea and Baltic Sea. This will be followed by further exercises that will take the crew all the way up north. After this demanding cold test for the boat and crew, they are expected back in Kiel in mid-April in time for Easter.

19 Oct 2021 | 1 comment

1 Comment

  1. I wish the crew every success in their new task and a hand's breadth of water under the keel at all times.


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