IRIS-T SLM air defence system successfully tested. Photo: Diehl Defence Holding GmbH

IRIS-T SLM air defence system successfully tested. Photo: Diehl Defence Holding GmbH

IRIS-T SLM air defence system successfully tested

Ground-based air defence system IRIS-T SLM proves its capabilities under realistic operating conditions.

Abbreviations are always a marvellous thing - everyone thinks they know it, only the initiated actually do! IRIS-T stands for Infra Red Imaging System - Tail/Thrust Vector-Controlled; SLM stands for Surface Launched Medium Range. Or, to make it even more legible: IRIS-T is an air-to-air missile with an infrared seeker head for the near and short range, which can now also be launched from ground-level platforms in the SLM version. It was developed in Germany under the leadership of Diehl BGT Defence in Überlingen together with six other countries.

From a press release by the manufacturer:

Successful firing with the enhanced system: Diehl Defence set a new benchmark with its IRIS-T SLM ground-based air defence system towards the end of 2021. In several successful test firings, the system demonstrated its performance under realistic operating conditions and thus fully met the expectations placed on modern air defence systems. The shots served to demonstrate the technical and operational performance of the overall system.

IRIS-T SLM complements the shorter-range IRIS-T SLS air defence system in Diehl Defence's product portfolio, which has already been successfully deployed by Scandinavian customers for several years. IRIS-T SLM also has a longer range. In particular, this improvement and the accuracy and interaction of all system components, including the ground infrastructure (launch facilities), were demonstrated during the latest test firing.

As the prime contractor, Diehl Defence thus offers a complete air defence system from a single source, consisting of the system components fire control centre, radar and missile launcher, as well as an integrated logistics support concept (ILSC).

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