StKptLt aD Hubert Brüdegam, Rear Admiral a.D. Thorsten Kähler, Lieutenant Commander Thomas McPhail, Corvette Captain Caroline Wegener, Vice Admiral Frank Lenski, Captain Lieutenant Eric Werblow, Captain Lieutenant Philipp Gansmann, Flotilla Admiral Axel Schultz

StKptLt aD Hubert Brüdegam, Rear Admiral a.D. Thorsten Kähler, Lieutenant Commander Thomas McPhail, Corvette Captain Caroline Wegener, Vice Admiral Frank Lenski, Captain Lieutenant Eric Werblow, Captain Lieutenant Philipp Gansmann, Flotilla Admiral Axel Schulz

Appreciation of the speakers at the 61st Naval Historical Tactical Conference

14 Sep 2022 | Headlines, News, Shipping | 0 Kommentare

On 7 September 2022, the work of the speakers for the 61st HITATA was honoured by the Commander of the Fleet and Support Forces and Deputy Inspector General of the Navy, Vice Admiral Frank Lenski, during a small ceremony.

After the 60th HITATA in 2020, nine young, dedicated officers once again gave their own presentations on the topic of the 61st HITATA, in keeping with tradition. "Between arrogance and excessive demands - strategic thinking in German navies" and prepared for the presentation in front of an expert audience.

Despite postponing the date several times, the 61st HITATA could not be held in 2021 and 2022 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Vice Admiral Lenski felt the need to personally thank the speakers for their work and honour their presentations. To this end, he invited them to a small ceremony followed by a meal at the officers' home in Wilhelmshaven on 7 September 2022. The event was organised and supported by the German Maritime Institute (DMI)whose activities include the promotion of scientific studies, projects and work.

Vice Admiral Frank Lenski

Vice Admiral Frank Lenski

In his welcoming address, the Deputy Chairman of the DMI and Chairman of the Naval Officers' Association (MOV), Rear Admiral (ret.) Thorsten Kähler, expressed the close ties between the DMI and the MOV to the navy and its servicemen and women and expressed his appreciation for the presentations given by the young officers in attendance. Unfortunately, only four speakers were able to accept the invitation. They had travelled from London, Brussels and Bremerhaven.

In his acceptance speech, Vice Admiral Lenski emphasised that the presentations had to be prepared by the young officers alongside their official duties and private lives, discussed with their mentors and prepared for presentation. He expressed his appreciation for this time-consuming and labour-intensive achievement. He attested to the authors that they had dealt with the topic of the 61st HITATA from various perspectives in extremely interesting and high-quality presentations.

Vice Admiral Lenski was convinced that all the presentations at a face-to-face event would have inspired the audience and that they would have shown their appreciation for the speakers.

All presentations were written before 24.02.2022, the deadline for submission was 03.12.2020

The presentations will soon be available on published.

Text and photo: Karl-Hubert Brüdegam

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