Category: Security policy

Review of the Maritime Convention 2021

Originally planned as a face-to-face event, this year's Maritime Convention participants were able to listen to the two-part presentation on China! Maritime driver for Europe?! via webinar. The DMI hosted the event together with griephan in his customary expert manner. The key question of the first panel "China is a littoral on the South China Sea?" was answered by the Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore to Germany, Mr Laurence Bay, in a reversal of the facts: Germany and the EU are littoral states on the South China Sea. He sees this not only in the presence of European merchant ships in this sea area and in the numerous branches of European companies in this region, more than 2,000 in Singapore alone...


Follow-up to the 2021 Bundestag election - constituencies with a naval location

While the question of whether the green-yellow lime wants to don the red or black coat is being investigated in Berlin, we would like to present without comment the results of those constituencies that are home to one or more naval bases: Constituency (federal state) - MdB 19th electoral term -> MdB 20. Wahlperiode - Standort 01 Flensburg-Schleswig (SH) - Petra Nicolaisen (CDU) -> Robert Habeck (Grüne) - MSM 04 Rendsburg-Eckernförde (SH) - Johann Wadephul (CDU) -> Sönke Rix (SPD) - KSM, SeeBtl, 1.UG, MstPkt 05 Kiel (SH) - Matthias Stein (SPD) -> Matthias Stein (SPD) - EF1 06 Plön-Neumünster (SH) - Melanie Bernstein (CDU) -> Kristian Klinck (SPD) -...


Maritime fact check for the 2021 Bundestag election - Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU)

The sibling parties CDU and CSU formed the federal government under Chancellor Angela Merkel from 2005 to 2021 with changing coalition partners and thus had the opportunity to shape and mould the republic like no other party. We are not making a recommendation to vote on behalf of the editorial team, nor do we wish to pass judgement on the quality of the content. Instead, we would like to provide our readers with an initial overview: Is there a maritime awareness in the positioning of the respective party and how is it anchored? In this way, we want to encourage further debate and discussion. The programmes are examined for maritime content, and as always...


Maritime fact check for the 2021 Bundestag election - Grüne (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)

As a global trading nation, Germany, itself located in the heart of Europe, is dependent on the waterways, seas and oceans for its own - and its partners' - economic freedom and security... and yet there seems to be a lack of basic maritime understanding in politics and society, at least that is the impression. How sensitive are our political parties to maritime issues? In autumn, Germany will elect its 20th Bundestag and it has become a tradition for us to look at the parties' election manifestos and their maritime content! We started the series with the election programme of the Free Democrats (FDP), followed...


Questions for German security policy

For some time now, questions about German foreign and security policy have been piling up that need to be answered after the Bundestag elections. The COVID pandemic, the flood disaster in western Germany and, most recently, the evacuation from Afghanistan have shown that the Federal Republic of Germany's ability to act is reaching its limits time and time again. These crises affect not only our external security, but also many areas of politics and society. The question arises as to whether the system of government needs to be fundamentally adapted. Do we need a constitutional reform commission of enquiry again, as we did in the 1970s, to make recommendations on a broad parliamentary and societal basis for the reform of...
