Category: Armed Forces

14th Armaments Report - Focus on naval helicopters

Last week, the BMVg published its 14th armaments report on the status of major military projects in ongoing procurement as of mid-December 2021. We want to take a look at the projects relevant to the German Navy and start this week with the naval helicopters, specifically the two projects NH90 Naval Transport Helicopter (NTH) SEA LION and NH90 Multi Role Frigate Helicopter (MRFH). In the current armaments report, we read: "The NH90 is a transport and frigate helicopter jointly developed by France, Italy, the Netherlands and Germany. The co-operation partners procure nationally adapted series variants. Germany is procuring 82 NH90 light transport helicopters (LTH)...


Review of the Maritime Convention 2021

Originally planned as a face-to-face event, this year's Maritime Convention participants were able to listen to the two-part presentation on China! Maritime driver for Europe?! via webinar. The DMI hosted the event together with griephan in his customary expert manner. The key question of the first panel "China is a littoral on the South China Sea?" was answered by the Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore to Germany, Mr Laurence Bay, in a reversal of the facts: Germany and the EU are littoral states on the South China Sea. He sees this not only in the presence of European merchant ships in this sea area and in the numerous branches of European companies in this region, more than 2,000 in Singapore alone...


Maritime fact check - Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania state election 2021

Elections will be held on Sunday - and not just at federal level! The state parliament of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is also looking for a new composition at the end of its five-year legislative period. With over 2,000 kilometres of coastline, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has the longest coastline of any federal state in Germany and plays a leading role nationally and in some cases globally with its ports, shipyards and maritime on- and offshore industry. The election programmes of the two main parties represented in the state parliament and the Wahl-O-Mat should help us with this! This is a digital comparison tool for the programmes...


Questions for German security policy

For some time now, questions about German foreign and security policy have been piling up that need to be answered after the Bundestag elections. The COVID pandemic, the flood disaster in western Germany and, most recently, the evacuation from Afghanistan have shown that the Federal Republic of Germany's ability to act is reaching its limits time and time again. These crises affect not only our external security, but also many areas of politics and society. The question arises as to whether the system of government needs to be fundamentally adapted. Do we need a constitutional reform commission of enquiry again, as we did in the 1970s, to make recommendations on a broad parliamentary and societal basis for the reform of...


Private Public Partnerships - at what price?

Private Public Partnership was the magic word at the beginning of the 2000s, the concept was promised as the saviour for services in the public sector. Essentially, the idea was to privatise services provided by the state and public authorities - in themselves, mind you - in order to make them leaner, more efficient and, above all, profitable. Despite the transfer of the operational business, the federal government was to retain full or at least majority control over the shares of the newly created companies and thus the profits. The Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg) also acquired a taste for this at the time: For example, the tasks of the clothing treasury of the...
