Category: Headlines

Fleet service boats: the navy's flash order

No sooner had the Defence and Budget Committees decided on the extensive procurement of defence equipment for the navy yesterday (Wednesday) than the first contract was signed. As announced by the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support, the Lürssen shipyard has been commissioned to design and build three Class 424 fleet service boats. In addition, a training and reference facility for this system is to be built. Like the existing fleet service boats, the new Class 423 units will be designed according to civilian standards. This should save costs and development time. The planners envisage the first commissioning of the new ships as early as 2027....


Federal police practise with international partners

Since Monday, 21 June 2021, the Federal Police have been practising the deployment and international cooperation of special forces in maritime emergencies. As in previous years, they were supported by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). The challenge this year was a very special co-operation: in addition to the forces of the Federal Police, European special units of the ATLAS network from Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden were involved in the exercise scenario. The ATLAS network is an association of currently 38 specialised police units from EU member states and associated countries to improve cross-border cooperation, particularly in the field of counter-terrorism. Together with the GSG 9...


Confusion over warning shots and bombs in the Black Sea

According to the Russian Ministry of Defence, the British destroyer HMS Defender penetrated three kilometres into the country's territorial waters on 23 June. A border guard ship then fired warning shots and a Su-24M fighter plane dropped bombs in front of the British warship. It then turned away and left Russian waters. The incident occurred shortly after 12.00 noon south of Sevastopol in the Black Sea. The British Ministry of Defence, however, reported that no warning shots had been fired at the Defender. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace explained that the destroyer had been carrying out a routine transit from Odessa to Georgia. "As is normal on this...


Defence and Budget Committee vote in favour of naval procurement project

Earlier this afternoon, reported the Defence Committee's decision to procure a number of new ships and aircraft. Now the Defence Committee has also approved the project in its last meeting before the summer break. Eckhard Rehberg, budget policy spokesman for the CDU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, was delighted: "Today, the Budget Committee discussed 27 proposals totalling 19 billion euros for important Bundeswehr procurement and development projects and released the funds." The share for the navy is disproportionately high: 6.8 billion euros have been released for some long-discussed projects that will be procured over a period of ten years...


Hapag-Lloyd orders further container giants

Hapag-Lloyd has commissioned the Korean shipyard Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) to build six ships with a slot capacity of more than 23,500 TEU. The first of the newbuilds are to be delivered as early as 2024. The container liner shipping company had already placed an identical order at the end of 2020. In total, the fleet will therefore be expanded by twelve ships with more than 23,500 TEU in the coming years. The large container ships will be equipped with a modern and particularly efficient high-pressure dual-fuel engine that runs on LNG. Alternatively, there will be sufficient tank capacity on board to also run on conventional fuel. Hapag-Lloyd is focussing on liquefied natural gas as a medium-term...
