Category: Books

Bronze sets for the military leadership

RADM Dave Oliver, USN (ret.): A Navy Admiral's Bronze Rules: Managing Risk and Leadership, USNI, 252 pp. While there is still hardly any literature in German-speaking countries on the leadership experiences and recommendations of generals and admirals that would be suitable for future generations of officers, the U S Naval Institute (USNI) in Annapolis has been committed for years to preserving such leadership experiences for posterity and thus also for future military leaders. The author's experiences include commanding a nuclear-powered submarine, serving as Chief of Staff of the U.S. Seventh Fleet and in procurement at the Pentagon, all of which have been passed on following his active...


Hartmut Spieker: Poland on course west. Personal encounters

With this book, the author would like to take us on a historical and security policy journey into the 1990s. He describes small and large events from his time as defence attaché in Poland from 1994 to 1998. At that time, the Federal Republic of Germany was already in its fourth year of reunification, the Soviet Union had imploded and many former Warsaw Pact states were on their way to a hopefully better future in a free Europe. At the time, no politician had a blueprint for this changing Europe. The defence alliance NATO had lost its great enemy and was looking for new,...


Review Saltwater Leadership, Second Edition

Almost simultaneously with the article by K.z.S Nils Brandt, Commander SSS Gorch Fock, on the importance of sail training for prospective naval officers of the German Navy on 19 July 2021 in MarineForum Online, the second edition of Saltwater Leadership will be published by the U.S. Naval Institute in August this year. Written by highly experienced naval officers, it is intended to serve as a foundation for the first steps of prospective naval officers in the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Marines, the U.S. Coast Guard and the Merchant Marine as leaders of subordinate personnel. It is deliberately written as a short, simple book, which is also divided into Five Minute Sentences of...


Book tip: French sea power

In his recently published book, Hugues Canuel, naval officer in the Royal Canadian Navy, examines 25 years of French naval policy, which, following France's defeat in the Second World War, attempted to develop an independent, national policy during the period of the armistice, the resistance against Germany, the alliance with the USA and Great Britain and the years of the Cold War, including the nuclearisation of its submarines. The aim was to combine the interests of a classic land power with its interests in the colonies and overseas territories with the support of naval forces. As this period has not attracted the attention of scholars in either the Anglo-Saxon or German-speaking world, this book concludes...
