She is the last Class 122 frigate in active service and now she has a new boss: Frigate Captain Kai Röckel has taken command of the frigate from the commander of the 4th Frigate Squadron, Captain Dirk Jacobus. Lübeck received. Previously, Frigate Captain Mathias Rix had been responsible for the men and women on board since September 2019. He bid an emotional farewell with the words: "I look back on an intensive and fulfilling time in command on board the last two Class 122 frigates and am proud to have successfully mastered the tasks behind us together with my crews. I will never forget the people on board." Rix will move to training management at the Armed Forces Office in Bonn. His successor Röckel has not lost sight of the old ladies in recent years. His last position was as Head of the Operational Planning and Control Department on the staff of Operational Flotilla 2. He is looking forward to a motivated crew and the challenge ahead of him.
The Lübeckis expected to be decommissioned in 2022 after almost 34 successful years. It is currently the only unit in the German Navy that has been designed and optimised for submarine hunting.
The marine forum wishes the new commander and the crew a safe journey at all times and always a hand's breadth of water under the keel!
Text: mb; Photos: German Navy
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