Heesen Yachts fears insolvency if owner is on EU sanctions list, photo: swzmaritime.nl

Heesen Yachts fears insolvency if owner is on EU sanctions list, photo: swzmaritime.nl

Good news from Heesen Yachts

As swz-maritime reports, they have managed to part company with the Russian owner after all.

Previously, a notary had refused to sign a deal to transfer the shares of Russian oligarch Vagit Alekperov, the owner of Heesen Yachts, to a Dutch foundation. However, after changes were made to the proposal, it was approved and the yacht builder is now back in Dutch hands.

As Alekperov was threatened with EU sanctions and Heesen was already suffering from supply bottlenecks after the Russian oligarch was placed on the UK's sanctions list, the company quickly tried to cut its ties with Russia. The successful yacht builder even feared going bankrupt. On 19 May, the employees learned that the deal had gone through after all. As the Dutch news website Omroep Brabant reports, it is unclear how much the Russian received for his shares in the Oss-based company. The former Russian owner was involved in the share sale from the outset.

Marineforum.online reported on 20 May : marineforum.online/and-ever-again-yachts/

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