Flugzeugträger "Dwight D. Eisenhower", Überflug einer gemischten Gruppe amerikanischer und französischer Trägerflugzeuge. Foto: U.S. Navy/J.Hilgendorf

Aircraft carrier "Dwight D. Eisenhower", overflight of a mixed group of American and French carrier aircraft. Photo: U.S. Navy/J.Hilgendorf

Aircraft carrier group "Eisenhower" on its way to Europe

While the new super aircraft carrier "Gerald R. Ford" was deployed somewhat hastily to the warlike scenario in the eastern Mediterranean a week ago on its very first trip abroad, which only began in May, a transfer to European waters had long been planned for the aircraft carrier "Dwight D. Eisenhower" and its associated strike group. And yet: with the second carrier group heading for Europe, the USA is once again sending a signal to the states surrounding Israel not to start an additional dispute in support of Hamas and Hezbollah troops. "DON'T" - as the US Secretary of State has just said in the shortest possible form.

"George H.W. Bush" Carrier Strike Group. Photo: U.S. Navy/J.Wolpert

In addition to the Air Wing 3 embarked on the carrier, the Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group (CSG) consists of the Arleigh Burke-class destroyers DDG 107 "Gravely" and DDG 87 "Mason" (155 metres, 9,000 tonnes) and the Ticonderoga-class cruiser CG 58 "Philippine Sea" (173 metres, 10,000 tonnes). That's a total of over 5,000 servicemen and women - plus the 5,800 crew members of the "Ike". The unit is now following a closely timed bilateral and alliance-related catalogue of visits and exercises in the waters of the U.S. European Command's area of command (Stuttgart - U.S. Seventh Army; Sixth U.S. Fleet; Third U.S. Air Force), but how long this planning will last and how long their stay will be is currently up in the air. With currently two active war scenarios on the fringes of Europe, the presence of two carrier groups certainly provides more operational freedom.

Aircraft carrier USS "Dwight D. Eisenhower" (CVN 69) (Ike) in the Suez Canal. Photo: U.S. Navy/ C.A.Michaels

According to the U.S. Central Command (Tampa/Florida), the Ford CSG consists of eight squadrons of attack and support aircraft, the destroyers DDG 116 "Thomas Hudner" and DDG 61 "Ramage", DDG 64 "Carney" and DDG 80 "Roosevelt", as well as the cruiser CG 60 "Normandy". It is also supported by the F-15, F-16 and A-10 fighter aircraft of the U.S. Air Force stationed in Europe.

"Ronald Reagan" Carrier Strike Group in the Indian Ocean. Photo: U.S. Navy/S.Call

The "Eisenhower" was last in European waters in 2021 and supported Operation Inherent Resolve against the Islamic State with its air combat assets and also provided airspace security during the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. In 2022, it underwent a refit period and is now certified seaworthy and fully operational again following a deployment training phase. Something you have to be able to rely on - in these times! And what are we hearing from NATO and the EU on this subject? More on this when official announcements are available.


  1. It's good that at least the USA has enough military resources to stand up to the declared enemies of the West and the Enlightenment...and, above all, has the will to use them appropriately.
    The EU, even with the UK, Europe would be helplessly at the mercy of even a country like Iran.
    Let's not even talk about the FRG.

  2. Are there also aircraft carriers and aircraft groups in the Caribbean, for example? No, I don't mean US warships, but European and Asian ones!

    • The main problem in the Caribbean is drug smuggling from south to north - apart from the humanitarian situation in Haiti and certain unrest in the centre of Central America. Solutions in this area do not require the presence of concentrated military forces in the form of carrier groups, but rather large-scale surveillance and targeted intervention in the event of acute incidents - i.e. patrol and response resources, if possible with joint coordination between the neighbouring states. In this respect, there is no reason for carrier groups to be in the Caribbean. However, as various islands in the Caribbean fall under the sovereignty of Great Britain as "British Overseas Territories", and France also maintains its "Départements et Régions d'outre-mer" (DOM/ROM) in the eastern part of the Caribbean (Lesser Antilles) as part of French territory, the aircraft carriers HMS "Queen Elizabeth" and HMS "Prince of Wales" and the "Charles de Gaulle" visit the Caribbean as part of the national presence. Charles de Gaulle" with their protection and support units occasionally visit this sea area.
      Other states with aircraft carriers in their navies' arsenals tend to remain in regional waters. Exceptions are, of course, foreign training and representation voyages without a military mission. Even China is still in the process of building up its carrier groups and has so far only used them to sail the seas directly bordering the country.
      Yours sincerely
      the editors of marineforum.online

  3. Question from an old man who experienced the Cold War as a marine. How much longer can Europe
    the unrestricted support of the still largest
    economic power in the world? ( A look at China).

  4. The USA is setting fire to the whole world. They are no better than the Nazis under Hitler. They want to dominate the world.
    Their aircraft carriers are more than unwelcome to the people of Europe. So change course towards the USA.

    • Dear Mr Brüggemann,
      It's nice that we are all allowed to express our opinions freely on the basis of a democracy - each for themselves, and not necessarily one for all! In this respect, I would ask you not to speak for "the people of Europe" across the board if you refuse to have this FDGO protected and defended in the event of attacks. We see enough of what it looks like every day if it is not protected. Is that what you really want?
      Yours sincerely
      the editors of marineforum.online

  5. Great that the USA shows strength and presence where it is needed...that is important for the Western world and democracy


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