General Assembly of the Naval Officers' Association e.V. on 10/11 June 2022 in Potsdam


General Meeting of the Naval Officers' Association e.V.
on 10/11 June 2022 in Potsdam

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting MOV 2022
11 June 2022 in Potsdam/Congress Hotel Potsdam

Ladies and gentlemen, dear members of the Naval Officers' Association,

After we dealt with the repeated postponements of the annual general meetings due to the coronavirus pandemic at the Annual General Meeting in Wilhelmshaven/Schortens on 9 October 2021, finalised the 2019 and 2020 financial years and held extensive staff elections, we are now back to the "regular operation" of our Articles of Association.

I therefore invite you as the Board of the Marine-Offizier-Vereinigung e.V. in accordance with § 9 c) (1) of the MOV statutes (now in the version of 09.10.2021) to the Ordinary General Meeting to the Kongresshotel Potsdam on 11 June 2022 for an in-person event. I also hope to be able to welcome you to the "Rees an Backbord" event on the evening before, 10 June at 6 p.m. at the hotel.

The meeting was published in the yellow pages of the marineforums 3-2022 and presented the programme and the main items on the agenda.

Finally, the agenda of the General Meeting will be sent to you with this invitation as an additional document in due time and form.

Our General Assembly in Potsdam will be overshadowed by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, which we are now learning to live with, and by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which has brought war back to Europe. Especially in these turbulent times, I believe it is very important for our members to exchange ideas in person. Even in times of crisis, we need to maintain our personal comradely contacts. Our community offers us a suitable forum for this. We want to start the exchange of ideas with a "Rees an Backbord" in the context of a twilight pint. I cordially invite you to join us on 10 June at 6 p.m. on the terrace of the Kongresshotel Potsdam.

I assume that we will have to continue to live with changes. It is therefore particularly important that we keep ourselves informed in the short term.

Our homepage under is the medium for quickly passing on information to you. Please check the site from time to time if you have the technical means to do so. For those who do not have this, our office in Wilhelmshaven is of course available by telephone.

I look forward to our general meeting and hope that we will have a lively personal attendance

Thorsten Kähler
Chairman of the Naval Officers' Association

Agenda of the General Meeting of the Naval Officers' Association 2022
on Saturday, 11 June 2022, at the Kongresshotel Potsdam
Annex 1 (Election procedure) is part of this agenda

Agenda as PDF

Election procedure as PDF

Friday, 10 June 2022
From 18:00: "Dämmerschoppen" with barbecue buffet on the "Lemon" terrace of the Kongresshotel Potsdam, Am Luftschiffhafen 1, 14471 Potsdam.
22:00: End of the "Dämmerschoppen"

Saturday, 11 June 2022
From 08:30am: General meeting
Kongresshotel Potsdam, Am Luftschiffhafen 1, 14471 Potsdam

  • Morning: Lecture as public part of the general meeting
  • Non-public part: Annual report of the Chairman on the 2021 financial year, discharge of the Executive Board 2021, approval of the 2022 budget estimate
  • Lunch buffet at the congress hotel
  • Afternoon: continuation of general meeting with elections
  • End approx. 15.30h



A contribution of €35 per person is requested for the "Dämmerschoppen" on the terrace of the congress hotel (all inclusive).
A lump sum of €20 is requested for the lunch buffet, coffee break buffet and drinks during the meeting.

Participants are requested to submit both contributions by 30.05.22 to the following account:
Postbank Essen
IBAN DE04 3601 0043 0046 0274 37
Intended use: MV 2022


As always, the Board of Directors appeals to all members to attend the General Meeting in large numbers.
Please register as early as possible so that we can make the organisational preparations in good time (see registration form).

Here are the links to the forms "Registration" and "Voting proxy".


Important information from the offices on the general meetings 10/11 June 2022

Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear members of the Naval Officers' Association (MOV), the Naval Officers' Aid (MOH) and the GERMAN MARITIME INSITUTE (DMI), we assume that our general meetings in Potsdam can be held despite Corona.

General meetings MOV/MOH/DMI versus Corona

The Kongresshotel Potsdam as an event venue and of course we do not know what the corona situation will be like at the beginning of June and whether and if so which regulations will then be in force.
We therefore strongly recommend that you only travel to Potsdam fully vaccinated, i.e. including a 3rd vaccination (booster) or as a recovered person with appropriate proof. Then you are prepared for all eventualities.
We believe that the well-known hygiene rules will continue to apply (distance, FFP2 masks, etc.).
Last year, this worked very well at the MOV members' meeting.

Please understand that we will ask you to provide us with the relevant evidence.

With best regards,

Elmar Brocksieper Dirk Siebenmarck Karl-Hubert Brüdegam
-Managing Director MOV- -Managing Director MOH- -Managing Director DMI-



We ask you to book the hotel accommodation you require yourself and recommend that you do this as early as possible. This year we have not been able to agree any call-off contingents, as MOV would have been liable in some cases if the contingent had not been utilised.
Nevertheless, here is a selection of hotels. I would like to point out that some of the prices are - no wonder - significantly higher than in Wilhelmshaven last year.

Congress Hotel Potsdam

Am Luftschiffhafen 1, 14471 Potsdam
Call: 0331 907 0
Fax: 0331 907 7 0777
e-mail: [email protected]

Hotel am Havelufer Potsdam

Zeppelinstr. 136
14471 Potsdam
Call: 0331 9815 0
e-mail: [email protected]

Seminaris SeeHotel Potsdam
An der Pirschheide 40
14471 Potsdam
Call: 0331 9090 0
e-mail: [email protected]

Wyndham Garden Potsdam
Forststr 80
14471 Potsdam
Call: 030 610819 416
Fax: 030 97808 450
e-mail: [email protected]

Here are the links to the forms "Registration" and "Voting proxy".

The Executive Board appeals to all members to participate in the
General Meeting!


On behalf of
Elmar Brocksieper
-Managing Director-

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