Emotions at the run-in
Today the Lübeck returned to her home port of Wilhelmshaven. To the sounds of the Wilhelmshaven Music Corps, the frigate moored for the last time after a deployment.
The day before, the old but very good-looking ship had been greeted in home waters by her "successors" "Sachsen-Anhalt" and "Nordrhein-Westfalen" and accompanied on her last journey along the Jade. On board were the commander of Operational Flotilla 2, Flotilla Admiral Axel Schulz, and the commander of operational forces from the naval command, Rear Admiral Jürgen zur Mühlen. The latter was also one of seven former commanders that Frigate Captain Röckel, the last commander of the "Lübeck", had the honour of welcoming on board.
This morning, hundreds of relatives and many alumni were waiting for the ship to return.
To the usual sounds of the typhoon, the "Lübeck" passed the harbour entrance, accompanied by two "Sea LynX" helicopters from Nordholz. The "Lübeck" moored with loud cheers, tears of joy and applause. In one case, the reunion was also chosen for a marriage proposal.
But see for yourself...
All former commanders were invited and many came. A great gesture by the commander of the 4th frigate squadron! It was not only a chance to reminisce, but also to experience the latest generation of frigates in operation on the Sachsen-Anhalt. Many things are different now. For example, the BRAVO crew only took over the ship a fortnight ago after a year ashore in the so-called building phase.
These are completely different conditions to what we were used to, but one thing has remained the same, the high level of professional motivation. You could tell that all the members of this crew were revitalised now that they finally had water under their feet again and could go to sea. You can sense a serious professionalism in which the challenges of the new beginning and the problems of the system are not swept under the carpet, but tackled with calm determination.
You immediately felt at home on board again, even if you looked wistfully at the proud old Lübeck. With crews like these, I'm not worried about the future of the navy.
A still deeply moved and grateful
Karsten Schneider