The frigate "Hamburg" was deployed on Operation IRINI for almost five months and returns to her home port just in time for the 4th Advent. The soldiers are also looking forward to seeing their loved ones again and wave diligently.

The frigate "Hamburg" was deployed on Operation IRINI for almost five months and returns to her home port just in time for the 4th Advent. The soldiers are also looking forward to seeing their loved ones again and wave diligently.

Welcome home, frigate "Hamburg"!

20 Dec 2020 | News, Armed Forces | 0 Kommentare

The frigate "Hamburg" has been back from the Mediterranean since 20 December 2020. Since the beginning of August, the ship had taken over the second operational contingent of the European Union's Irini foreign mission. Over the past few months, the frigate's main task was to contribute to the implementation of the arms embargo imposed on Libya by the United Nations Security Council.
"As the first German seagoing unit of the still young Operation Irini, we have succeeded in making a visible and significant contribution to stabilisation in the sea area off Libya. In August of this year, nobody knew what was in store for us. Now we can look back on a proud record of two boardings, one diversion of a vessel and 34 friendly approaches. During this time, the crew, including all the crew on board, has grown together as a powerful community on which I could fully rely in every situation. Under the special corona conditions, this is a great and not self-evident achievement of each individual," says the commander, frigate captain Jan Fitschen (43).
After returning to their home port, a different kind of Christmas with their families is on the programme for the crew: "After almost five months on board, we can't look forward to a carefree Christmas as we had hoped, but have to deal directly with the effects of the coronavirus lockdown. After the comparatively carefree days on board, this is somewhat dampening the anticipation of the return to Wilhelmshaven, which we would all have imagined differently," summarises the commander.


Text: PIZM/mb; Photo: PIZM/Leon Rodewald

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