Digital Sailor Sunday

Dear MOV members in the Wilhelmshaven area, dear comrades,

With the copy of the announcement page of the German Navy Museum, I would like to draw your attention to the Digital Sailor's Sunday organised jointly with the MOV on

Thursday, 07 January 2021 from 15:00 hrs

to point out. In addition to the general "Schnack", it will be dedicated to a highly topical subject of the German Navy under the moderation of the DMM's scientific assistant, Dr Schröder. I have asked the Einsatzflottille 2 whether a representative could join us to represent the "active forces".
The following links will take you to the official information pages of the Navy on the Internet as well as directly to the Digital Seamen's Sunday event.

The content of the first Seamen's Sunday in the new year will focus on the "Naval Compass", which is intended to open up the identity of the German Navy and provide orientation for its members. The "Naval Compass" can be downloaded here in preparation:

Further information can be found here:

The dial-in details for the digital Seaman's Sunday are as follows:

Meeting link:

Meeting identification number: 175 069 4566

Password: DMM_SeeSo (36607337 via telephone and video systems)

I would be delighted if we could meet, hear and see each other at this event.
With best wishes for the new year that has just begun

Gottfried Hoch, KAdm (retired)

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