Navbase Gargoub

Navbase Gargoub. Photo: MoD Egypt

Egyptian Navy - Navbase Gargoub inaugurated

While at the beginning of July in Gargoubhalfway from Alexandria to the Libyan border, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi inaugurated a 1000 metre long deep-water (14 m) harbour pier as the largest national naval base, TKMS in Kiel was able to deliver the S 44 submarine, the fourth of the 209/1400 mod type, to the Egyptian Navy handed over. They will replace the four outdated Romeo class boats that were acquired from China in the 1980s and converted to American Sub-Harpoon and Mk37 wire-guided torpedoes. Since April Egypt incidentally also joined as the 34th member of the Combined Maritime Force (CMF), the naval forces operating in three Coalition Task Forces since 2002 to stabilise the region from the Suez Canal to the Strait of Hormuz under the command of Vice Admiral Samuel Pamaro (Commander US 5th Fleet).th Fleet) in Manama/Bahrain.


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