Maritime Convention of the DMI 2022 in the State Representation N/S-H, Berlin

Maritime Convention of the DMI 2022 in the State Representation N/S-H, Berlin

Maritime Convention of the DMI

Prominent speakers and concentrated expertise!

On 8 November 2022 was held for the fifteenth time at the Schleswig-Holstein State Representation in Berlin, after two years again as the Face-to-face eventthe Maritime Convention will take place.

Everyone who is anyone in politics, the maritime environment, the navy, naval shipbuilding and the supply industry had gathered for this well-established and respected event. No, not everyone, because there were competing events, for example, the GSP and DWT opposite in the state representation of the federal state of Hesse. Parliamentarians didn't know where to go first, so many competent offers were made.

This year, the German Maritime Institute (DMI) and griephan invited the participants to familiarise themselves with the topic of "The national security strategy & Germany's maritime interests" to deal with.

The topic arose in the face of dramatic security policy challenges. In the opinion of the organisers, there is a need comprehensive national security strategycoordinated with the partners. A key focus here is on Germany's maritime interests.

Rear Admiral (ret.) Karsten Schneider

Rear Admiral (ret.) Karsten Schneider

After the Greeting by Rear Admiral (ret.) Karsten Schneider, the President of the German Maritime Institute began the conference with a Greeting from Stefan Wenzel, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairsand climate protection.

The audience eagerly awaited the highest-ranking military guest and currently the only German naval officer at the "4-star level" as key note speaker: Admiral Joachim Rühle, Chief of Staff Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE). You can read his presentation at the end.

An impressive balance sheet of an eastern NATO member, the audience was given a Brigadier General Ilmar Tamm, Commandant Baltic Defence College. With "Disruption - Decoupling - Deglobalisation: World Economy quo vadis?" concluded Professor Dr Stefan KoothsDirector of the Research Centre for Business Cycles and Growthtum, Vice President of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW).

With some very sobering findings under the title "Expectations of the maritime industry for a national security strategy" led Dr Reinhard Lüken, Managing Director, German Shipbuilding and Ocean Industries Association, continued the presentations. The "Expectations of the German Navy for a national security strategy" formulated

Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack

Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack

Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, Inspector of the Navy at the end.

The panellists were moderated by Heinz Schulte, DVV griephan and May-Britt Stumbaum from HSU Hamburg.

As always at the Maritime Convention, the Inspector of the Navy presented his 2022 Annual Report. He emphasised that this was a painstakingly produced and relevant work for the entire maritime community.

Finally, State Secretary Sandra Gerken, Plenipotentiary of the State of Schleswig-Holstein to the Federal Government, gave a welcoming address before Karsten Schneider called for the social part of the evening.

To make a note for all experts: the next convention is on 21 November 2023


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