News from the office

Ladies and gentlemen, dear members,

Yes, where is it, ...... the membership card?

Many a member will have asked themselves this in these times of the circulation procedure in order to enter the membership number on the ballot papers, which is shown on this card. If you can no longer find the 2019 membership directory or even previous editions, in which we are all listed as members, you have almost lost. Unless, of course, you can find the telephone number of the office to call. Unfortunately, this was also incorrect in one of our emails.
More bad luck with the membership number is not really possible.
Now many members have found their way to us by telephone after all and very interesting and sometimes lengthy conversations have developed as a result - that's the way it should be in the dialogue between members and the office!

But back to the membership card.

We don't have an archive of old maps and therefore don't know what they looked like in the past. Perhaps one or two members can help us with this.

Not according to the motto "May makes everything new", we have developed a new card and also purchased a new printing device for it. We didn't do this because the old cards were so ugly, but because the last typewriter in the office archives no longer worked properly and the IT secretary's "write on the PC, print out, cut to size and shrink-wrap" session was relatively time-consuming.

You can see the new membership card in the picture.


However, I would ask you not to request a new card straight away. If you cannot find your membership number, you should continue to look for it. This will be important if you want to log in to the member login on our homepage in the near future.

We are not there yet, but we will be. More on this later in the same place.

Here once again the correct telephone number of the office as a fallback position for all cases:

04421 - 500 47-0

Elmar Brocksieper
-Managing Director-

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