Destroyer Marshal Shaposhnikov

Destroyer Marshal Shaposhnikov

Russian navy practises attacking an aircraft carrier

According to the Ministry of Defence in Moscow, a large-scale exercise has shown that the Russian armed forces can also operate successfully in the vastness of the Pacific, far away from home. The operational area was around 2500 nautical miles south-east of the Kuril Islands. Up to twenty warships, support ships and submarines were involved on and beneath the waves. The ships were divided into two groups 300 nautical miles apart. While some of the units formed a formation around an aircraft carrier, the task of the other ships was to track it down and launch a simulated attack. The imaginary button was pressed by the crews of the cruiser Varyagthe destroyer Marshal Shaposhnikovthe corvettes Hero of the Russian Federation Aldar Tsydenzhapov, Perfect and Gromki.
The warships received support from the air. Tupolev Tu-142 M3 and Tu-142 Mz fighter jets, which had been transferred in advance to the Yelizovo airbase in Kamchatka, remained in the air for over 14 hours, covering a distance of 10,000 kilometres. They were protected by MiG-31 BM interceptors from the Pacific Fleet. The necessary refuelling over the Pacific was made possible by Ilyushin Il-78s from the air force.
Six Ilyushin Il-38 and Il-38N took part in further submarine-hunting exercises over the Sea of Okhotsk. These smaller submarine-hunting aircraft, not dissimilar in appearance to the P-3Cs operated by the German Navy, used sonobuoys for their tasks in addition to on-board sensors.

Text: mb; Photo: MoD Russia

21 Jun 2021 | 1 comment

1 Comment

  1. The picture shows the "Marshal Shaposhnikov" ("Маршал Шапошников") in its condition BEFORE the recently completed modernisation. In the meantime, the warship has been categorised by the Russians as a "frigate" ("фрегат") and no longer carries AK-100 artillery guns or launchers for SS-N-14 "Silex".

    Instead, two universal vertical launchers 3S14 for 8 missiles each (SS-N-27B "Sizzler" [Russian: "Kalibr"] and SS-N-26 "Yakhont/Oniks", later also SS-N-33 "Tsirkon") were installed, as well as two launchers for SS-N-25 "Switchblade" and an AK-190 artillery gun

    Note: Russian news agencies have long since ceased to be believed when photos are added to text reports; sometimes something is added there, but it doesn't have to be current, nor does there have to be a connection to the content of the report.

    Furthermore: there is no corvette in the Russian naval fleet with the name "Perfekt"; instead there is a ship name "Sovershennyy" ("Совершенный"); it seems to me that JANE's FIGHTING SHIPS has been looked up here, but: for some years now, ship names have been nonsensically brought there in any English-language translations. The name "Perfekt" does not appear on the side of any Russian warship.

    Another corvette mentioned also bears the name "Geroy Rossiyskoy Federatsii Aldar Tsydenzhapov" ("Герой Российской Федерации Адлар Цыденжапов") on its hull; here the German translation is: "Held der Russischen Föderation .Aldar Zydenschapow" (translated according to "Duden Mannheim").

    This information was already sent by e-mail on 22 June 2021 to the address [email protected] have been dispatched...


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