Category: Technology

MTG: Personnel

Philip Lüdecke joins MTG Philip Lüdecke joins the MTG team and works on concepts for maritime command and weapon deployment systems and will also be active in customer consulting. Lüdecke moves from Thyssen Krupp Marine systems (tkMs), where he was Head of Procurement Platform Systems and Head of Command Systems General. The graduate mechanical engineer will strengthen the Operations division. More...

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Kiel loses out

Successor to the Walrus class - procurement decision in the Netherlands in favour of France It seemed to be on the cards: the French Naval Group's design has prevailed for the successor to the Walrus submarines. The decision to award the contract is provisional, as the current decision in the Council of Ministers still requires parliamentary approval. An initial briefing of the House of Representatives on the decision is planned for 27 March. The review report on the selection decision should be available in May, which will form the basis for the parliamentary debate and the final award decision. The Ministry of Defence would like to sign the contract before July, as the deadlines for the preparation of tenders will expire after that. In addition...

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MAN - First ammonia engine before installation

The shipping industry transports around 90 % of global trade and is therefore responsible for around three per cent of global carbon dioxide emissions. Reason enough to research ammonia as one of several alternative fuels. Test phase MAN Energy Solutions (MAN ES) is planning to install the first ammonia-powered engine on a new ship in Japan before the end of this year. The subsequent testing of the dual-fuel engine will take one to two years. If the two-stroke ammonia marine engine is successfully tested, MAN will have reached a milestone, but at the same time intensive investments will have to be made in fuel supply and bunker infrastructure and further safety standards will have to be created, according to the MAN ES CEO, who...

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German Federal Council President visits general contractor for the F126 naval armaments project

Manuela Schwesig, die Ministerpräsidentin von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, besuchte am 11. März 2024 im Rahmen einer Delegationsreise des Deutschen Bundesrates die niederländische Marinewerft Damen Naval in Vlissingen. Sie ließ sich über die maritime Industrie in den Niederlanden und die deutsch-niederländische Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Schiffbau- und Rüstungstechnik informieren. Ihr besonderes Augenmerk diente dem Projekt F 126. Mit der Peene-Werft, Wolgast, befindet sich eine der drei Werften, auf denen die zukünftigen Fregatten der Deutschen Marine gebaut werden, in ihrem Bundesland. Laut Pressemitteilung von Damen Naval war Frau Schwesig sehr interessiert an allem, was sie in Vlissingen zu sehen bekam. „Wir freuen uns...

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Remote-controlled inland navigation

Duisburg: Now that the first pilotless "ghost ships" are sailing on Belgium's waterways, ships are set to follow on German waterways. In future, the captains will no longer be on board, but on land. For a few weeks now, a Belgian captain has been sitting at a desk in the former Haniel offices in Duisburg-Ruhrort. With headphones in front of four computer terminals and six camera screens, he steers an inland freighter across the Belgian Plassendale-Nieuwpoort Canal and the River Yser, over 300 kilometres away. Two controllers are all the Fleming needs to keep the unmanned "Watertruck 8" loaded with excavated earth on course. Skilled labour shortage In the Duisburg control centre, this is the first time that the...

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